DML – Data Manipulation Language

Once the tables are created, we typically have to manipulate data inside the tables.

  • All the statements that are used to manipulate data in tables are categorized under DML.

  • Each entry in a table is typically termed as row or record.

  • We use INSERT to insert one or more new records into a table.

  • UPDATE can be used to update existing records inside a table.

  • One can use DELETE to delete one or more records from a table.

  • We can also use TRUNCATE to delete all the records in one shot. However it is DDL Statement and we should not use as part of web or mobile application development.

  • All DML Statements can be committed or rolled back with in a transaction.

  • Here is sample insert statement which uses all not null columns with out any default values.

%load_ext sql
%env DATABASE_URL=postgresql://itversity_sms_user:itversity!23@localhost:5433/itversity_sms_db
%%sql result_set <<

INSERT INTO users (user_first_name, user_last_name, user_email_id)
VALUES ('Gordan', 'Bradock', '')
%sql SELECT * FROM users
%%sql result_set <<

INSERT INTO users (user_first_name, user_last_name, user_email_id)
    ('Tobe', 'Lyness', ''),
    ('Addie', 'Mesias', ''),
    ('Corene', 'Kohrsen', ''),
    ('Darill', 'Halsall', '')
%sql SELECT * FROM users
%sql UPDATE users SET user_email_validated = true, is_active = true
%sql SELECT * FROM users

Fails due to check constraint violation

%sql UPDATE users SET user_role = 'C' WHERE user_id = 1
%sql UPDATE users SET user_role = 'A' WHERE user_id = 1
%sql SELECT * FROM users
%sql DELETE FROM users WHERE user_role = 'U'
%sql SELECT * FROM users