Leveraging Google’s Colab

Google’s colab is a free yet powerful Python based environment which can be leveraged for practice.

  • You can import our Notebooks into Colab and start practicing.

  • You might have to make some changes to the code in some cases to execute in colab environment.

  • One can interact with Operating System using Jupyter based interface in Colab.

  • All libraries that are missing can easily be installed in Colab environment.

  • If you need databases to setup, even though it is possible using Colab - we would recommend to use GCP. You can follow these steps to setup databases for your practice.

    • Sign up for GCP.

    • Provision Ubuntu based VM.

    • Setup Docker

    • Use Docker to setup databases such as Postgres, MySQL, Mongo DB etc based up on the database you need for practice.


We will be providing required support for our customers to build self support labs.


Here are the tasks that need to be performed to get comfortable with Colab.

  • Signing up to colab

  • Creating new notebook and running code

  • Importing notebooks from Git and validate them

  • Uploading Datasets or accessing from Google Drive

  • Uploading new notebook using Colab

  • Installing missing libraries

  • Running OS commands