Develop myReduceByKey¶
Develop a function by name myReduceByKey which takes a collection of tuples and a function as arguments. Each element in the collection should have exactly 2 attributes. Function should do the following:
Iterate through the collection of tuples.
Group the data by first element in the collection of tuples and apply the function using the argument passed. Argument should have necessary arithmetic logic.
Return a collection of tuples, where first element is unique and second element is aggregated result.
d = {}
d[2] = 199.99
if 2 in d: d[2] = d[2] + 250.0
if 4 in d: d[4] = d[4] + 100
else: d[4] = 100
def myReduceByKey(c_p, f):
d = {}
for e in c_p:
if e[0] in d:
d[e[0]] = f(d[e[0]], e[1])
d[e[0]] = e[1]
return list(d.items())