Docker - Cheat Sheet

As we have successfully setup Docker on our VM, let us go through some of the important commands related to docker.

Here are the steps involved in setting up Database Services such as Postgres using Docker:

  • Pull postgres image

  • Create container for postgres

  • Start the container

  • Review the logs to ensure that container is created with out any issues

Here are important commands to manage images and containers:

  • Managing images - docker image



docker image pull

Pull image

docker image rm

Remove image

docker image build

Build image

  • Managing containers - docker container



docker container create

Create container

docker container start

Start container

docker container stop

Stop container

docker container restart

Restart container

docker container rm

Remove container

docker container run

Build, Create and Start container

docker container logs

Check logs of docker container

docker container rm

Remove stopped container

docker container rm -f

Stop and Remove running container

docker container ls

List containers


For most of these commonly used commands we have alternative with out image or container as keyword in the command - for example we can say docker rm to remove the container and docker rmi to remove the image.

docker pull postgres

docker container create \
  --name itv_pg \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -h itv_pg \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=itversity \
docker container start itv_pg

docker container logs itv_pg
docker container logs -f itv_pg