Execute SQL Scripts

Let us understand how to execute SQL Scripts using psql. We will create new database and then run the scripts which are cloned from GitHub.

  • Clone the GitHub repository on to the host.

  • Copy the folder which contain scripts to itv_pg container under root folder /.

  • Make sure retail_db database and retail_user user are created.

  • Run the appropriate scripts to create tables as well as to insert data.

  • Validate that tables are created and data is inserted by running simple queries.

Clone Repository

# Make sure you are in the home directory in the host (not in the container)
cd # to be in home directory
git clone https://www.github.com/dgadiraju/retail_db.git

Copy Script and Validate

docker container cp retail_db itv_pg:/

docker exec -it itv_pg ls -ltr /retail_db

docker exec -it itv_pg psql -U postgres

Create Database and User for retail_db

docker exec -it itv_pg psql -U postgres
CREATE USER retail_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'retail_password';
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE retail_db TO retail_user;

Create tables and copy data

We will be running script to create tables and copy data.

docker cp ~/retail_db itv_pg:/
docker exec -it itv_pg psql -U retail_user -d retail_db -W

\i /retail_db/create_db_tables_pg.sql

\i /retail_db/load_db_tables_pg.sql

Validate - Run Queries

Make sure you are in right database and run these queries.

docker exec -it itv_pg psql -U retail_user -d retail_db -W

\d orders

SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 10;

SELECT count(1) FROM orders;