Function Parameters and Arguments

Let us get an overview of different types of Function Parameters and Arguments supported by Python.

  • Parameter is variable in the declaration of function. Argument is the actual value of this variable that gets passed to function.

  • However, in some cases these two terms are used interchangeably.

  • In Python, parameters can be objects or even functions. We can pass named functions or lambda functions as arguments. We will talk about these details later.

  • Here are different types of parameters or arguments:

    • Parameters with Default Values

    • Varying arguments

    • Keyword arguments

    • Varying Keyword arguments

  • We can pass arguments to a function by parameter position or name. If you use name you can pass arguments in any order.

  • You can only specify parameters with default values after mandatory parameters. def get_commission_amount(sales_amount=1000, commission_pct) is syntactically wrong and throws error.


Let us perform a few tasks to understand more about parameters and arguments with and with out default values.

  • Checking whether phone numbers of a given employee are valid - get_invalid_phone_count

    • Function should take 2 arguments, employee_id and phone_numbers (list)

    • Check whether each phone number have 10 digits.

    • Return employee_id and number of phone numbers with less than 10 digits

  • Get commission amount by passing sales amount and commission percentage. However, if the commission percentage is not passed from the caller, then the default percentage should be 10.

def get_invalid_phone_count(employee_id, phone_numbers):
    invalid_count = 0
    for phone_number in phone_numbers:
        if len(phone_number) != 10:
            invalid_count += 1
    return employee_id, invalid_count
s = 'Employee {employee_id} have {invalid_count} invalid phones'
employee_id, invalid_count = get_invalid_phone_count(1, ['1234', '1234567890'])
print(s.format(employee_id=employee_id, invalid_count=invalid_count))
Employee 1 have 1 invalid phones
def get_commission_amount(sales_amount=1000, commission_pct):
    """Function to compute commission amount. commission_pct should be passed as percent notation (eg: 20%)
       20% using percent notation is equal to 0.20 in decimal notation.
    commission_amount = (sales_amount * commission_pct / 100) if commission_pct else 0
    return commission_amount
  File "<ipython-input-5-60598743caf3>", line 1
    def get_commission_amount(sales_amount=1000, commission_pct):
SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument
def get_commission_amount(sales_amount, commission_pct=10):
    """Function to compute commission amount. commission_pct should be passed as percent notation (eg: 20%)
       20% using percent notation is equal to 0.20 in decimal notation.
    if commission_pct and commission_pct > 100:
        print('Invalid Commision Percentage, greater than 100')
    commission_amount = sales_amount * (commission_pct / 100) if commission_pct else 0
    return commission_amount
# Arguments by position
get_commission_amount(1000, 5)
# Will take commission_pct default value
get_commission_amount(1000, None)
get_commission_amount(1000, 150)
Invalid Commision Percentage, greater than 100
# Arguments by name
get_commission_amount(commission_pct=18, sales_amount=1500)