Exercise - User Defined Functions

Let us take care of exercises to check whether we understand how to define the functions.

Simple Calculator

Let us develop a function called as calc.

  • It should take 3 arguments

  • First argument - a of type int

  • Second argument - b of type int

  • Third argument - op of type int

  • If op is 1, the function should return sum of a and b

  • If op is 2, the function should subtract b from a and return the result

  • If op is 3, the function should multiply a with b and return the result

  • If op is 4, the function should divide a by b and return the result

  • If op is any other number, the function should print saying that invalid op and return nothing

# Your code should go here


Please run this code to validate the function calc.

a = int(input("Enter first value of type integer: "))
b = int(input("Enter second value of type integer: "))
op = int(input("Enter 1 for add, 2 for sub, 3 for mul and 4 for div: "))
res = calc(a, b, op)

Sum of Integers from 1 to n

Develop functions to get sum of integers within a range of 1 to n.

  • Function Name: sum_n

  • Argument: n

  • Perform below validations. If not, raise an exception.

    • Check if n is integer or not.

    • Check if n is positive integer or not.

  • Exception should say {n} is not a valid integer.

  • You should display the value passed in place of {n} as part of the exception.

  • The function should return the sum of integers from 1 to n. The logic should be implemented using formula.

# Your code should go here
n = 4
res = sum_n(n) # the output should be 10
m = 10
res = sum_n(m) # the output should be 55

Sum of Integers within a range

Develop functions to get sum of integers within a range of lower bound and upper bound.

  • Function Name: sum_of_integers

  • Argument Names: lb and ub

  • Check if lb and ub are integers or not. If not, raise an exception. Exception should be Either {lb} or {ub} are not integers.

  • Check if lb is less than ub or not. If not, raise an exception. Exception should say {lb} is not lower than {ub}.

  • You should display the values passed to the function in place of {lb} and {ub} as part of the exception.

  • The function should return the sum of integers from lb and ub. The function should use sum_n to get sum of integers between 1 and upper bound as well as 1 and lower bound.

# Your code should go here
n = 4
res = sum_n(n) # the output should be 10
m = 10
res = sum_n(m) # the output should be 55