Performing Grouped Aggregations

Let us understand how to perform grouped or by key aggregations using Pandas.

  • Here are the steps we need to follow:

    • Make sure data is read into Data Frame.

    • Identify the key on which data should be aggregated. If the data has to be aggregated on derived field which is not available as part of the Data Frame, then first we need to update data frame with the derived field.

    • Using the key group the values using groupby function on data frame. We can only pass column names from Data Frame as part of groupby.

    • Apply required aggregate functions to get aggregated results based up on the key.

  • We can apply multiple aggregate functions at a time after creating grouped data frame.

  • Pandas Data Frame exposes a function called as rename to provide aliases to the aggregated fields.

%run 06_csv_to_pandas_data_frame.ipynb
  • Getting number of orders per day

order_id order_date order_customer_id order_status
0 1 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 11599 CLOSED
1 2 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 256 PENDING_PAYMENT
2 3 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 12111 COMPLETE
3 4 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 8827 CLOSED
4 5 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 11318 COMPLETE
... ... ... ... ...
68878 68879 2014-07-09 00:00:00.0 778 COMPLETE
68879 68880 2014-07-13 00:00:00.0 1117 COMPLETE
68880 68881 2014-07-19 00:00:00.0 2518 PENDING_PAYMENT
68881 68882 2014-07-22 00:00:00.0 10000 ON_HOLD
68882 68883 2014-07-23 00:00:00.0 5533 COMPLETE

68883 rows × 4 columns

<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7f1f811bb828>
[('2013-07-25 00:00:00.0',
  0            1
  1            2
  2            3
  3            4
  4            5
  57786    57787
  57787    57788
  57788    57789
  67415    67416
  68690    68691
  Name: order_id, Length: 143, dtype: int64),
 ('2013-07-26 00:00:00.0',
  104        105
  105        106
  106        107
  107        108
  108        109
  67418    67419
  67419    67420
  67420    67421
  67421    67422
  68691    68692
  Name: order_id, Length: 269, dtype: int64),
 ('2013-07-27 00:00:00.0',
  346        347
  347        348
  348        349
  349        350
  350        351
  67422    67423
  67423    67424
  67424    67425
  67425    67426
  68692    68693
  Name: order_id, Length: 202, dtype: int64)]
2013-07-25 00:00:00.0    143
2013-07-26 00:00:00.0    269
2013-07-27 00:00:00.0    202
2013-07-28 00:00:00.0    187
2013-07-29 00:00:00.0    253
2014-07-20 00:00:00.0    285
2014-07-21 00:00:00.0    235
2014-07-22 00:00:00.0    138
2014-07-23 00:00:00.0    166
2014-07-24 00:00:00.0    185
Name: order_id, Length: 364, dtype: int64
  • Getting number of orders per status

CANCELED            1428
CLOSED              7556
COMPLETE           22899
ON_HOLD             3798
PENDING             7610
PROCESSING          8275
Name: order_status, dtype: int64
  • Computing revenue per order

order_item_id order_item_order_id order_item_product_id order_item_quantity order_item_subtotal order_item_product_price
0 1 1 957 1 299.98 299.98
1 2 2 1073 1 199.99 199.99
2 3 2 502 5 250.00 50.00
3 4 2 403 1 129.99 129.99
4 5 4 897 2 49.98 24.99
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
172193 172194 68881 403 1 129.99 129.99
172194 172195 68882 365 1 59.99 59.99
172195 172196 68882 502 1 50.00 50.00
172196 172197 68883 208 1 1999.99 1999.99
172197 172198 68883 502 3 150.00 50.00

172198 rows × 6 columns

list(order_items. \
  0    299.98
  Name: order_item_subtotal, dtype: float64),
  1    199.99
  2    250.00
  3    129.99
  Name: order_item_subtotal, dtype: float64),
  4     49.98
  5    299.95
  6    150.00
  7    199.92
  Name: order_item_subtotal, dtype: float64),
  8     299.98
  9     299.95
  10     99.96
  11    299.98
  12    129.99
  Name: order_item_subtotal, dtype: float64),
  13    199.99
  14    299.98
  15     79.95
  Name: order_item_subtotal, dtype: float64)]
order_items. \
    groupby('order_item_order_id')['order_item_subtotal']. \
1         299.98
2         579.98
4         699.85
5        1129.86
7         579.92
68879    1259.97
68880     999.77
68881     129.99
68882     109.99
68883    2149.99
Name: order_item_subtotal, Length: 57431, dtype: float64
order_items. \
    groupby('order_item_order_id')['order_item_subtotal']. \
    agg(['sum', 'min', 'max', 'count'])
sum min max count
1 299.98 299.98 299.98 1
2 579.98 129.99 250.00 3
4 699.85 49.98 299.95 4
5 1129.86 99.96 299.98 5
7 579.92 79.95 299.98 3
... ... ... ... ...
68879 1259.97 129.99 999.99 3
68880 999.77 149.94 250.00 5
68881 129.99 129.99 129.99 1
68882 109.99 50.00 59.99 2
68883 2149.99 150.00 1999.99 2

57431 rows × 4 columns

order_items. \
    groupby('order_item_order_id')['order_item_subtotal']. \
    agg(['sum', 'min', 'max', 'count']). \
    rename(columns={'count': 'item_count', 'sum': 'revenue'})
revenue min max item_count
1 299.98 299.98 299.98 1
2 579.98 129.99 250.00 3
4 699.85 49.98 299.95 4
5 1129.86 99.96 299.98 5
7 579.92 79.95 299.98 3
... ... ... ... ...
68879 1259.97 129.99 999.99 3
68880 999.77 149.94 250.00 5
68881 129.99 129.99 129.99 1
68882 109.99 50.00 59.99 2
68883 2149.99 150.00 1999.99 2

57431 rows × 4 columns

order_items.rename(columns={'order_item_order_id': 'order_id'})
order_item_id order_id order_item_product_id order_item_quantity order_item_subtotal order_item_product_price
0 1 1 957 1 299.98 299.98
1 2 2 1073 1 199.99 199.99
2 3 2 502 5 250.00 50.00
3 4 2 403 1 129.99 129.99
4 5 4 897 2 49.98 24.99
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
172193 172194 68881 403 1 129.99 129.99
172194 172195 68882 365 1 59.99 59.99
172195 172196 68882 502 1 50.00 50.00
172196 172197 68883 208 1 1999.99 1999.99
172197 172198 68883 502 3 150.00 50.00

172198 rows × 6 columns

Task 1

Get order_item_count and order_revenue for each order_id.

order_item_id order_item_order_id order_item_product_id order_item_quantity order_item_subtotal order_item_product_price
0 1 1 957 1 299.98 299.98
1 2 2 1073 1 199.99 199.99
2 3 2 502 5 250.00 50.00
3 4 2 403 1 129.99 129.99
4 5 4 897 2 49.98 24.99
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
172193 172194 68881 403 1 129.99 129.99
172194 172195 68882 365 1 59.99 59.99
172195 172196 68882 502 1 50.00 50.00
172196 172197 68883 208 1 1999.99 1999.99
172197 172198 68883 502 3 150.00 50.00

172198 rows × 6 columns

order_items. \
    groupby('order_item_order_id')['order_item_subtotal']. \
    agg(['sum', 'count']). \
    rename(columns={'sum': 'order_revenue', 'count': 'order_item_count'}). \
order_item_order_id order_revenue order_item_count
0 1 299.98 1
1 2 579.98 3
2 4 699.85 4
3 5 1129.86 5
4 7 579.92 3
... ... ... ...
57426 68879 1259.97 3
57427 68880 999.77 5
57428 68881 129.99 1
57429 68882 109.99 2
57430 68883 2149.99 2

57431 rows × 3 columns

Task 2

Get order count by month using orders data for specific order_status.

order_id order_date order_customer_id order_status
0 1 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 11599 CLOSED
1 2 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 256 PENDING_PAYMENT
2 3 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 12111 COMPLETE
3 4 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 8827 CLOSED
4 5 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 11318 COMPLETE
... ... ... ... ...
68878 68879 2014-07-09 00:00:00.0 778 COMPLETE
68879 68880 2014-07-13 00:00:00.0 1117 COMPLETE
68880 68881 2014-07-19 00:00:00.0 2518 PENDING_PAYMENT
68881 68882 2014-07-22 00:00:00.0 10000 ON_HOLD
68882 68883 2014-07-23 00:00:00.0 5533 COMPLETE

68883 rows × 4 columns

orders.order_date.str.slice(0, 7)
0        2013-07
1        2013-07
2        2013-07
3        2013-07
4        2013-07
68878    2014-07
68879    2014-07
68880    2014-07
68881    2014-07
68882    2014-07
Name: order_date, Length: 68883, dtype: object
orders['order_month'] = orders.order_date.str.slice(0, 7)
order_id order_date order_customer_id order_status order_month
0 1 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 11599 CLOSED 2013-07
1 2 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 256 PENDING_PAYMENT 2013-07
2 3 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 12111 COMPLETE 2013-07
3 4 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 8827 CLOSED 2013-07
4 5 2013-07-25 00:00:00.0 11318 COMPLETE 2013-07
... ... ... ... ... ...
68878 68879 2014-07-09 00:00:00.0 778 COMPLETE 2014-07
68879 68880 2014-07-13 00:00:00.0 1117 COMPLETE 2014-07
68880 68881 2014-07-19 00:00:00.0 2518 PENDING_PAYMENT 2014-07
68881 68882 2014-07-22 00:00:00.0 10000 ON_HOLD 2014-07
68882 68883 2014-07-23 00:00:00.0 5533 COMPLETE 2014-07

68883 rows × 5 columns

orders.query('order_status == "COMPLETE"'). \
    groupby('order_month')['order_id']. \
    count(). \
2013-07     515
2014-07    1419
2013-10    1783
2014-06    1797
2014-05    1854
2014-02    1869
2013-08    1880
2013-12    1898
2014-01    1911
2014-04    1932
2013-09    1933
2014-03    1967
2013-11    2141
Name: order_id, dtype: int64

Task 3

Get order_revenue and order_quantity for each order_id. Add quantity of all items for each order_id to get order_quantity.

order_metrics = order_items. \
    groupby('order_item_order_id')[['order_item_subtotal', 'order_item_quantity']]. \
order_metrics.columns = ['order_revenue', 'order_quantity']
order_revenue order_quantity
1 299.98 1
2 579.98 7
4 699.85 14
5 1129.86 10
7 579.92 7
... ... ...
68879 1259.97 3
68880 999.77 17
68881 129.99 1
68882 109.99 2
68883 2149.99 4

57431 rows × 2 columns